Spring 2022
Poetry & Short Prose
All Said & Done
C.S. Carrier
A theory of illumination, Manuscript Books, & Bad cleverness in the artist
Sarah-Jane Crowson
Birds Like Bombs
Dagne Forrest
Ode to my bald spots
Yanita Georgieva
Call This a Religion
Dhwanee Goyal
On Not Remembering
Connie Jordan Green
My Sister and I in the Garden on Daisy Avenue
Mary Grimm
your body is your body is your body is
luna rey hall
Rosewater for New Year’s
Saba Keramati
B. Tyler Lee
Come Down Spring
Rebecca Lehmann
Colin Lubner
Christ in the Storm on the Sea of Galilee
Katherine Maynard
Worship Service
Autumn McClintock
Kindra McDonald
Salsa Dancing at The Church
Joy Moore
The World Knows You by Heart
Arlene Naganawa
Watching a Romcom with the King of Serpents
Jeanne Obbard
K: Augury
Kathryn Petruccelli
My Circus Grandmother
Meg Pokrass & Jeff Friedman
Margaret Rozga
Sustained & In Beginning, a Word
Luci Shaw
My Mind Is an Abandoned Fairground
Ashley Wagner
Ruin/Repair/Rewrite: A Creative Writing Activity Sequence
Rebecca Arrowsmith
The Whole Elephant
Diane Forman
Requiem for a Planet: A Review of Posthuman by Risa Denenberg
Maria McLeod
Ah, Now Write: A Review of Inside Out by Marjorie Maddox
E. A. Miller Mlcak
Growing Up Chinese-American in the South: A Review of Peach State by Adrienne Su
Kathryn Pratt Russell
New West Experiments: An Interview with Evan Morgan Williams
Chrissy Kolaya