Everywhere, they’re turning their fear
into sharp teeth. While I
still walk around with a soft neck.
I am no longer foolish enough to hope,
but still foolish enough to want to.
I want to learn the language of trees, but can’t
until my Spanish is better.
I am a bad granddaughter.
Lately I daydream accidents
and I don’t believe in my work anymore.
The truth is the elephant in the classroom.
I know this one—elefante.
The elephant is a lesson in wabi-sabi.
Outside there are tigers. Listen.
I’m all belly, no tusks.
I swear I want to find hope again,
but I’m afraid that hope
is no longer interested in me.
Melissa Bernal Austin is a queer Latine writer, artist, and educator in El Paso, TX, where they’re typically spotted covered in cat hair, paint, and/or dirt. Their work can be found in Longleaf Review, Pidgeonholes, The Boiler, and more. Find them online at @house.gnome and @mbernalaustin (Substack).