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17 φρόνησιν ἄσκει

Practice prudence. Prior to pouncing, pace.
Sit by the nearest lake and plunge into
cool water lit by starlight or by sun.
Narcissus couldn’t swim, and Hylas drowned
when naiads pulled him under and he screamed.
But you know better than to lie to nymphs
who trust you to be charming and be honest.
If you are mortal, keep your wits around
(like those old stories say) and you’ll be good.
Don’t try to kiss the cute face looking up
at yours when you look down. If you both wink
at the same time, that means it’s your reflection.
Let other people fall for you instead
of falling for yourself and drowning too.

Jordi Alonso holds an MFA in poetry, an M.A. in Classical Studies, and a Ph.D. in Victorian literature. Recently graduated from Columbia University, he is the author of Honeyvoiced and The Lovers’ Phrasebook and teaches at Louisiana State University.

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