Welcome to our Winter 2024 issue! This marks the 9-year anniversary of Whale Road Review, and publishing the fantastic work in this issue on a Friday the 13th feels like a scarily good way to celebrate!
Issue 37 features poetry and short prose by Valerie Bacharach, William Ward Butler, Rebecca Danelly, Aarik Danielsen, Carly Marie DeMento, Caylee Gardner, Michelle Hendrixson-Miller, Matthew E. Henry, Emily Hockaday, Margaret Anne Kean, Jessica Manack, Rita Maria Martinez, Matthew Murrey, Sarah Nichols, T. R. Poulson, Donna Spruijt-Metz, Angela Townsend, Cindy Veach, Brian Volck, Rachel Walker, Lynn Wang, Dick Westheimer, and Kenton K. Yee.
In pedagogy, Karen Babine shows us her new approaches to discussion boards, and Deborah Bacharach demonstrates a way to teach juxtaposition using established prayers across traditions. I’m so grateful to both of them for their generous sharing of teaching materials. I’ve been reminded this week of how fortunate I am to be surrounded by generous, collaborative teachers and writers.
We’ve got a whopping five reviews of new books by Francesca Leader, Sara Henning, Alecia Gabrielle, Mimi Zieman, and Barbara Crooker. Perhaps some last-minute holiday gifts? Thanks to James Roderick Burns, Lauren Crawford, Michelle McMillan-Holifield, B.K. Jackson, and Judith Sornberger for their thoughtful writing and admirable literary citizenship.
We’re also grateful to Swetha Amit and Aidan Bass for contributing their excellent interviews with Katie M. Flynn and Grace Loh Prasad.
If you would like to send a little monetary gift to one or more of our contributors, please find the Tip the Author links below most of the bios. Thanks for reading, and happy holidays!
Katie Manning
P.S. We’ll be celebrating our 10-year anniversary by hosting a booth at AWP, so plan to stop by #948 if you’ll be there!
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