Our Winter 2018 issue is ready a day early, and it is too wonderful to wait until tomorrow, so we’re going to open this gift on December eve.
Issue 13 features new poetry and short prose by Catherine Arra, Julie Brooks Barbour, Brian Baumgart, Ruth Bavetta, Genevieve Kaplan, Jen Karetnick, Katie Karnehm-Esh, Laurie Klein, C. Kubasta, Kathleen Mitchell-Askar, Julie L. Moore, Cameron Morse, Martin Ott, Robert L. Penick, Luci Shaw, Jacob Stratman, Ojo Taiye, Milla van der Have, Sheila Wellehan, and Gary Charles Wilkens.
In the pedagogy section, Mike Moran and Donnie Welch share class exercises for creating action and writing dialogue. In the reviews, Anne Graue, Laurie Klein, Dayna Patterson, and Mary Peelen give us glimpses into new books by Sarah Nichols, Marjorie Maddox, Darren C. Demaree, and Geraldine Connolly.
As we set up this issue, we were especially moved by the tenderness of so many of the poems’ speakers. We hope that you’ll enjoy reading these pieces, and we hope that all of us will try, in the words of Brian Baumgart’s poem, “to find oxygen enough to say the love-yous / too many men bury in the deep dark.”
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