We’re excited to publish our Spring 2017 issue today! It’s a stormy issue. Spring isn’t just flowers and sunshine.
This issue has some incredible new poetry and short prose by Geoff Anderson, Caron Andregg, Glen Armstrong, Ace Boggess, Angela Doll Carlson, Judy Cooper, Jonathan Louis Duckworth, Jo Angela Edwins, Robert Ford, Amy Strauss Friedman, Connie Jordan Green, Sara Pirkle Hughes, Tina Mitchell, James Evans Remick II, Tammy Robacker, Jane Sasser, and Donna Vorreyer.
If you’re looking for teaching ideas (or prompts for your own writing), check out Ashby McGowan’s piece on writing and performing multi-voice poetry, Margaret Rozga’s prompt and behind-the-scenes look at revision, and Keri Withington’s clever use of dance videos to surprise students into writing.
Issue 6 also includes a review by Dane Hamann of the late Max Ritvo’s debut collection, Four Reincarnations, and a review by Jessie van Eerden of William Woolfitt’s second poetry collection, Charles of the Desert.
We hope this writing haunts you and helps you somehow. Thanks for reading!
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