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Issue 26 / Spring 2022

Welcome to the Spring 2022 issue of Whale Road Review! In these creative pieces, you’ll find the gardens and birds you might expect in a spring issue, but some of these gardens are haunted, and some of the birds are like bombs. A few of these pieces will take you to church, but if the church building isn’t on fire, it might have been converted into a night club. Wanna dance?

Issue 26 features poetry and short prose by C.S. Carrier, Sarah-Jane Crowson, Dagne Forrest, Jeff Friedman, Yanita Georgieva, Dhwanee Goyal, Connie Jordan Green, Mary Grimm, luna rey hall, Saba Keramati, B. Tyler Lee, Rebecca Lehmann, Colin Lubner, Katherine Maynard, Autumn McClintock, Kindra McDonald, Joy Moore, Arlene Naganawa, Jeanne Obbard, Kathryn Petruccelli, Meg Pokrass, Margaret Rozga, Luci Shaw, and Ashley Wagner.

Our pedagogy papers include a scene ruining/repairing activity from Rebecca Arrowsmith and a perspective-shifting personal narrative lesson from Diane Forman.

This issue also features reviews of poetry collections by Risa Denenberg and Adrienne Su, a review of Marjorie Maddox’s book of poetic forms and exercises, and an interview with Evan Morgan Williams about his recent short story collection. Thanks to Maria McLeod, E. A. Miller Mlcak, Kathryn Pratt Russell, and Chrissy Kolaya for giving us glimpses into these exciting new books.

When you find some pieces to love, as you will, please share them and tip the authors who have “Tip the Author” links under their bios. Even very small tips mean a lot (and add up). Thanks for reading! Please be safe and well.

Katie Manning

Published in Uncategorized


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