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You have to keep occupied

Fast fingers find a giant in the drink—over the top, the gap is done,
the mine bottoms out.                    Make him go to the waiting right,
the path ready, through time, carefully            two steps to be saved.

Between the vertical and the release, fast, a strange wire           leads
the waiting over the right,                     the spiral through the bottom.
The dead end turns      no margin in simple ledges. Make the second
build,                                                 the second first, just like before


This is an erasure poem. Source material: “Lemmings,” Nintendo Power, Volume 37, June 1992, pages 10-11.


E. Kristin Anderson has been published widely in magazines. She’s also the author of eight chapbooks, including A Guide for the Practical Abductee, Fire in the Sky and Pray, Pray, Pray: Poems I wrote to Prince in the middle of the night. Based in Austin, TX, Kristin is Special Projects Manager for ELJ and a poetry editor at Found Poetry Review. Once upon a time she worked at The New Yorker.


Issue 5 >